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Tuesday 4 June 2013

Track Email Delivery

Track Email Delivery

Reading this post for the only reason you read the title, track email delivery, isn't it. Whenever you send something important as mail you are always worried about whether it got read or not so here I 'll tell you about two services that will help you track your email messages.

Read Notify: is professional e-mail tracking service. Service is paid and hence when you'll register they will offer you only 25 credits for demo. Service is damn good and complete information about your e-mail is traced out. It not only returns information about your mail got read or not but also brings information about IP address, time, location, web browser used and OS used to read sent email. It will also send you information about the mail has been forwarded or not or how many times it got read by recipient. Read Notify is most trusted email tracking service and hence used by many companies and even spammers.
To check out how a receipt appears click here.

Get Notify: is free counter part to It also tracks emails but details are not as detailed as Read Notify. I have heard from many people that its service is not good but believe me they are not as detailed as Read Notify but their service isn't that crap. I am using it since one year and I don't have any complaints just because it never gave me any chance, so if someone has defamed Get Notify in front of you, try it before you accept his/her words, I guarantee you'll find the defamer wrong.

As a personal judgment I don't deny Read Notify is better than Get Notify but its not that bad either and don't forget it's 100% free, you have to compromise a little on free stuff. As a final verdict I 'll say Read Notify is best email tracking service whereas Get Notify is best free email tracking service.

How They Work:
Both use a same kind of strategy they ask you to embed email with a mini image provided by them while sending e-mail(Please note that this image is so small to get detected). When email is opened, this image sends all information about email to the person asked for receipt. No matter images are enabled or disabled this image will surely send information.

Don't bother about how you gonna use service because after registration both provide a cool video that demonstrates how to use their service and get most of it.

Thanks for visiting. Have a nice time and please don't forget to tell me about what you feel about above information about tracking email delivery.

Browse Anonymously

Browse Anonymously

How can I browse anonymously or stay invisible online ? Is these among those questions which bother you for keeping your privacy online. Anonymizers, proxy servers, VPN and VPS are some options that can help you out. All above services are also offered as paid service but for here we will just have our look on free services.
Anonymizers(anonymity server):
Anonymizers are nothing but proxy servers which act as browsers inside browsers for surfing, their advantage is that they digest everything from the page you want to visit and hence can not only protect your privacy but can also prevent you from online malwares. I 'll not recommend you using some specific anonymizer since firewalls block them someday so better visit which updates list of anonymizers every hour so that you must get a working anonymity server. Alternatively you can use a TOR browser which really guarantees 100% anonymity. Download TOR from

Proxy Servers:
Proxy servers needs some manual settings from your internet configurations. Proxy server lift the limitation that anonymizers had of only being used in browser by making proxy IP available for every application that needs internet connection. Visit for fresh list of proxies.

Alternatively you always have option of using a proxy generating software, following is brief list of proxy software with their download link have your pick.

Surf Anonymous Free
Proxy Way
Your Freedom
Ultra Surf
Free Gate
Gapp Proxy
Hyk Proxy
Hot Spot Sheild

Please don't ask which is best among them, its hard to say since working of proxy depends upon load on proxy server and it may vary with time. As my personal preference I use TOR and Ultra Surf when need proxy level anonymity. Please don't use transactional type browsing like e-mail, social networking or financial transactions over proxy servers, its not safe and still anyhow you want to use them better not use anything else than TOR.

Virtual Private Network:
VPN's are most trusted way of hiding online even secure than proxy servers and anonymity servers. Following is list of some software that provide free VPN services.

Ultra VPN is one of the most used and most trusted free VPN service of world, if you have problem trusting any other free VPN service better opt this.
The Free VPN
Alone Web
Always VPN
Cyber Ghost

Open VPN

How To Use Super Scan

How To Use Super Scan

Super Scan be considered as one of the complete tool that can be used for scanning as well as getting domain information about target system along with windows enumeration. It can perform all stages of scanning and hence most of the time becomes best choice for every hacker on windows system. Here in this section we will see how to use Super Scan.

Type IP address of target you want to scan in Hostname/IP(1). If you want to add multiple IP/Hosts to scan press key near (4) and then specify another Host/IP in same field(1). To scan range of IP address type Start and End IP even this can be added to batch by pressing key near (2). If you want to add range of IP address then in notepad specify each IP/Host on new line and import it via (5).

You don't need to bother about Hosts And Services and Scan Options because they are good enough by default, change them when get habitual of using Super Scan. The nest option is tools, here Super Scan provides you with several options used for getting domain name information and grabbing banner(process to get version of application victim is running).

Hostname/IP: Resolves host name and IP address.
Ping: Check system for being live.
ICMP Traceroute: Traces path by using ICMP packets.

Zone Transfer: It is part of enumerating system, we will discus it when we will cover enumeration.

Bulk Resolve: Import list of IP address and Host-names in form of text file.

HTTP/HTTPS: These options are used to perform banner grabbing in above image you can see when I scanned local host it gave output as Version of Apache server I have installed this helps in finding exploits to run on victim PC.

All other remaining tools will give you domain name information.

Windows Enumeration allows you to find out how much vulnerable the victim is for gaining access but that we will cover later. For now if you have any problem using tool, please ask for help. Let me know if something was difficult to understand.

Different Ways To Hide Files In Windows System

Different Ways To Hide Files In Windows System

Here in this section we will see how we can hide files(not folders) in Windows system without using any third party file hiding software.

1.Using attrib command:
attrib command is used to set file attributes, this command can be used to hide files as well as folders in any windows system. Type following command to hide complete folder,

c:\> attrib /s /d +h +s +r folder_name/file_name

to hide file type,

c:\> attrib /s /d +h +s +r file_name/folder_name

2.Using binary file addition with image:
To use this trick you will need any file compression utility(example, Winrar, Winzip, 7zip, Peazip). First of all compress your folders or files into compressed archive. For example let our archive name be and image name be demo.jpeg. Now by taking binary addition of these files as image file can hide archive inside any image without any S-Tool. Type following commands,

c:\>copy /b image_file + archive_file output_image_file

now archive file will be hidden inside output image file. To extract archive file open image in any of file compression tool and extract files.

c:\>copy /b demo.jpeg + out.jpeg

3.By using NTFS stream:
NTFS file system has a new feature added in it known as Alternate Data Stream, this property of NTFS file system can be used o hide files in another file. Press “win+R” then type “cmd.exe” in Run Window and open command prompt. Suppose the file you want to hide is max.exe in folder named hidden then type following command.

C:\hidden\>notepad hide.txt
C:\hidden\>type c:\hidden\max.exe > c:\hidden\hide.txt:max.exe

Now delete original max.exe and note size of hide.txt, you'll find no increase in file size. Your file max.exe is now hidden in hide.txt. To retrieve it simply copy hide.txt in FAT partition and you'll get both files separated.

Angry IP Scanner

Angry IP Scanner

The next phase to reconnaissance is scanning. In this phase an attacker tries to gather information like IP address, operating system, open ports, running services etc. This information is further used by him to study kind of attack he must perform. Scanning can be classified into three major types,Port ScanningNetwork ScanningVulnerability ScanningDuring port scanning an attacker tries to find out number of ports open on target system and services running on them. The next stage is to find out number of active machines the target have and lastly vulnerability scanning in which attacker tries to get details about weaknesses present in target system.There are several tools that can be used to perform port scanning among which nmap is considered as best which I have already discussed long before on this blog. To read about it have a look on Network Scanner Nmap.Here in this section we will see how to determine active systems. For our practical we will use Angry IP Scanner. Angry IP Scanner is a tool which pings several hosts in a row to find out which of them is currently alive. Download Angry IP Scanner . Run it and specify number of IP address you want to scan.

Saturday 1 June 2013

Advanced Google Hacking Operators

Advanced Google Hacking Operators

This is next part to Google Hacking, here we will discus some more search queries used for foot-printing. So following are your new queries, don't just read them practice them, you'll need a good practice of advanced operators just because they are more prone to give false positives.

This query will search web pages for the word specified after related. Please copy paste example in search engine and press enter.

Example: related:bill gates

This query not only brings you definition and dictionary meaning of word but can also reveal you information about victims company. Try following query.

define:your name

This query is used to reveal history geography of word typed after it. Try following queries,

info:days of life of devil

This will search every occurrence of word typed after it, it will not only search URL and title but also the text in body. Try this,

intext: google hacking
intext: hackersknwoledge

This will search links to the URL that you will specify after it. Try following queries,

Now following are some other queries try them and see results yourself,

phonebook:bill gates

Please try them and let me know if you are facing any problem or any of those queries are not performing as you expected. Once you are good enough to use them we will discus how to use search queries to find files, folders, songs, movies, user-names and passwords.

Bypass Any Windows Password Using ISO Tools

Bypass Any Windows Password Using ISO Tools

In this section we will discus about how to bypass Windows logon password using ISO tools. ISO image/tool is nothing but a CD/DVD image, you have to burn all these ISO images to a CD/DVD to make them work.


KON BOOT currently known as most powerful ISO password breaking tool since it can't only bypass Windows password during log on but can also bypass Linux passwords during log on. The powerful feature of KON BOOT is that it does not ask for password nor it resets it, just boot with CD and any OS installed in your Hard Disk will boot without asking for password, reboot again and all passwords will remain intact, so your victim can never suspect about someone just had look in his/her PC. I still don't know how this works but surely its an awesome master piece.
Countermeasure: Use some good Full Disk Encryption tool like Best Crypt or its free alternative True Crypt.


OphCrack is one of the best known tool for Windows Password Recovery. At present it also supports some Linux flavors. OphCrack uses Rainbow Tables technique to recover Windows passwords. In Rainbow Tables method the password hash is compared to per-compiled hash database once the hash matches you get password.

Countermeasure: Use very strong password like this q@2Db4LevIl). No rainbow table utility can ever crack this kinda password.

Offline NT Password And Registry Editor:

Offline NT Password And Registry Editor does not recover password but it deletes password hash from SAM file removing password forever. Tool is text based and hence can be difficult for beginners to operate.

Countermeasure: Use a Full Disk Encryption tool.

Note: Each and every tool described here can crack all available versions of Windows. My personal say is to use OphCrack.